
Science Based Learning

Evidence Based

Our training methods are rooted in scientific research. Studies show that watching at least two demonstrations of a skill significantly boosts learning by activating mirror neurons and forming new brain patterns. Observing examples helps you grasp the "why" behind effective approaches. You then practice these skills in real-life scenarios, within the safe and experimental setting of the training, ensuring you can confidently apply your new knowledge for optimal results

Real-World Relevance

Everything we do is anchored in your everyday work experiences, focusing on the tasks and challenges you encounter at work. Through evidence-based methods and realistic simulations, we equip you with the skills and mindset needed to excel. You'll also gain practical tools that can be applied immediately, making the training directly useful and seamlessly integrated into your work.

Music & spoken word

Studies have shown that poetry performed as spoken word and music produces several positive effects on a human’s body and brain. It activates both the left and right brain at the same time, and the activation of both hemispheres can maximize learning and improve memory.

The gut-brain connection is no joke

We work with chefs and bring food to our sessions for more than just a full belly. A happy gut means a happy brain, and a happy brain learns best.

Your stomach has its own nervous system known as the enteric nervous system. This system comprises 500 million nerve cells, more than those found in your spinal cord. The vagus nerve, the largest nerve in the enteric system, facilitates communication between your stomach and brain.

Additionally, neurotransmitters act as chemical messengers, regulating emotions and feelings and further connecting your stomach to your brain. Influencing your mood, emotions, and ultimately, your ability to learn."

Experiential Learning

What is Experiential Learning?

Experiential learning is the process of learning by doing, where you actively engage in experiences and reflect on what you've learned. It's beneficial because it connects theory to real-world practice, leading to deeper understanding, improved problem-solving skills, and increased motivation. It's a proven way to develop both hard and soft skills, preparing you for success in any field.

Experiment, Reflect & Hatch

Experiment: collect data on your physical, intellectual, and emotional responses to a specific activity, situation, or area of interest.

Reflect: process your findings, identify trends and uncover your own hidden capabilities

Hatch: enhance your learning by actively engaging with others in your community through discussions and shared reflections

Experiential Learning Model

Asynchronous Learning

Asynchronous Learning

Just 10% of learning happens in workshops – 90% is through real-world application.
We empower your continuous growth with audiobooks for inspiration and motivation, offering group coaching, explorations, and experiments.

Audiobooks: Peer-to-Peer Learning

Your colleagues share their experiences, providing actionable advice you can apply directly to your work.  Build stronger connections and learn together, creating a more collaborative and supportive environment

Group Coaching

Group coaching reinforces practical learning by offering a supportive space to reflect, get feedback, and collaboratively tackle real-world work challenges, bridging the gap between theory and practice.

On-the-job Challenges

Our workshops provide hands-on learning and inspiration, allowing you to practice new concepts and skills. However, true transformation happens through real-world application. That's why we offer on-the-job challenges to help you actively implement your learning and achieve lasting results.

Humanizing Matrix

Why We Created the Humanizing Matrix?

The brain is not a static tool. Neuroscience shows that it’s a living, adaptable organ, constantly changing and developing. It can be trained to become a responsive and transformative system.

At Hatch, we like to define the brain as a "Mind-Muscle," meaning that with the right training, you can enhance self-awareness, emotional intelligence, cognitive growth, and collaboration skills.

Just as physical exercises strengthen your body, you can focus your Mind at the center of your training to nourish and elevate your leadership potential.
Hatch designs and facilitates training practices like experimentation, reflection, and knowledge-sharing, guided by the principles of our Humanizing Matrix—Think, Feel, Collaborate.

These practices develop essential 21st-century skills ultimately boosting your companies potential and personal development.

Think, Feel and Collaborate

Hatch creates a powerful synergy between cognitive understanding, emotional engagement, and collaborative skills

Hatch Humanizing Matrix

Just as muscles grow stronger with training, so too can your human capabilities. Hatch's Humanizing Matrix leverages this principle, developing growth through experimentation, reflection, and sharing. By integrating collaboration (Collaborate) , critical thinking (Think), and emotional intelligence (Feel), we empower you to significantly enhance your leadership potential.

Our expert team designs programs that blend capabilities from each area below, ensuring a holistic and impactful learning experience.

Sources and Inspiration


Humanism in learning programs emphasizes the individual learner's needs, experiences, and potential, fostering a participant-centered approach that promotes self-discovery, critical thinking, and personal growth.

Systems Thinking

Systems thinking encourages learners to explore interconnections, patterns, and feedback loops within complex systems, fostering a holistic understanding and enabling them to analyze the impact of their actions within a larger context.

Inner Development Goals

Inner development goals encourage learners to cultivate essential skills and qualities for personal growth and well-being, such as self-awareness, resilience, and empathy, fostering the potential to contribute positively to society and navigate complex challenges.

Deep Democracy

Deep democracy encourages learners to engage in inclusive and collaborative decision-making, honoring diverse perspectives and fostering a sense of shared responsibility for the learning community.

Depth Psychology

Depth psychology encourages learners to explore the unconscious mind, delve into personal symbolism and dreams, and foster self-understanding to facilitate psychological growth and integration.

Design Thinking

Design thinking empowers learners to approach challenges with empathy, creativity, and a solution-oriented mindset, utilizing iterative prototyping and user-centered design principles to develop innovative and impactful solutions.


Anthropology fosters cross-cultural understanding and appreciation for human diversity, enriching educational experiences by promoting empathy, critical thinking, and a global perspective.


Entrepreneurship cultivates a proactive, innovative, and problem-solving mindset, empowering learners to transform ideas into action and create value in the world.