April 13, 2022

Courageous Leadership Program

Martijn Boomsma

Learning Programs

Hatch hosted three immersive events for T-Systems International. Live from our studio to help leaders of the Change & Transformation Team define their personal power and become more courageous leaders.

A Courageous Leadership Journey

Hatch  hosted three immersive events for T-Systems International. Live from our studio to help leaders of the Change & Transformation Team define their personal power and become more courageous leaders. The events featured expert speakers, creative performances, and on-the-job assignments. We also developed a 12-episode podcast and a Challenge to continue the learning journey after the event.

The events were a great success, and the leaders who attended learned a lot about how to become more courageous leaders. They are now better equipped to face the challenges of the future and make a positive impact on their organizations.

T-Systems International: Helping Leaders Become Courageous

T-Systems International is committed to helping leaders become more courageous. In 2021 and 20022, Hatch hosted three events that covered three important topics on how to become a courageous leader.

The first event was about developing personal power to position yourself as a courageous leader. We explored the different sources of personal power, such as expertise, charisma, and relationships. We also discussed how to use personal power to influence others and make a difference in the world.

The second event was about acquiring a courageous attitude. We talked about the importance of facing your fears, taking risks, and standing up for what you believe in. We also discussed how to build resilience and bounce back from setbacks.

The third event was about implementing and embedding changes in the organization. We shared best practices for leading change, overcoming resistance, and building a culture of innovation.

Challenge How to Balance People and Results

In order to embed changes into daily work life, we designed a two-month challenge on how to balance people and results. The challenge consisted of four sprints, each two weeks long. We divided the Change & Transformation Leaders (about 200 in total) into 25 teams. Each team took on the challenge of making changes to their organization that would benefit both people and results.

During the challenge, Hatch hosted live update sessions to discuss progress. After each sprint, we awarded points based on the quantitative and qualitative impact of each change that was implemented. At the end of the challenge, there was a winning team. This team won a breakfast session with the CEO of T-Systems International.

Podcast: Growth is Uncomfortable and Worthwhile

A 12-episode series with role model leaders from T-Systems, exploring the uncomfortable conflicts that come with growth, and how to address them in a way that is both productive and worthwhile.

In each episode, we will hear from a different leader about their experiences with uncomfortable conflicts, and how they have learned to address them in a way that helps them to grow and develop. We will also explore the T-Mindset, and how it can help leaders to navigate these difficult situations.

The goal of this podcast is to help leaders to understand that uncomfortable conflicts are a normal part of growth, and that they can be a valuable opportunity for learning and development. We hope that this podcast will provide leaders with the tools and insights they need to address these conflicts in a way that is productive and worthwhile.

Artistic Performances

Our resident artists performed at each event, providing a much-needed break from the rigors of the day. Studies have shown that music has several positive effects on the body and brain. It activates both the left and right brain at the same time, which can maximize learning and improve memory. Music can also reduce stress, anxiety, and pain.

Watch a performance by BLESZ here:

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