Art & Multimedia
October 1, 2022

How to Hatch audio documentary

Martijn Boomsma

In How to Hatch, Lottie takes a closer look at our human skills with the help of film, literature and art.

In How to Hatch, Lottie takes a closer look at our human skills with the help of film, literature and art. We can learn a lot from the culture we surround ourselves with. Creativity is an indicator of how we think and feel, how we relate to and communicate with each other. Let’s find out how we can understand our skills through culture. In the coming episodes we’ll be taking a look at failure, empathy, uncertainty and intuition through cartoons, classical music and more.

Lottie Walker is a writer and cultural critic based at the University of Cambridge. She has a BA in Literary and Cultural Analysis from the University of Amsterdam and began working with Hatch whilst living in The Netherlands. Through a creative response to immersive learning Lottie hopes to encourage creativity in the workplace and emphasise the new perspectives available to us through Art, Film and Literature.

#1 How to Hatch - Intuition

Ever wondered if you can really trust your gut?

Ever wondered if you can really trust your gut? Is your body trying to tell you something, or did you forget to eat lunch? How can we collaborate with our intuition in our day-to-day life? In this episode, poet in residence Lottie Walker takes your on a tour of your intuitive instincts with a cinematic twist. How do our bodies translate unconscious information into gut instinct? What does Disney have to do with decision making? We’ll be diving deep into your gut feeling to ask how you can benefit from listening to your intuition



#2 How to Hatch - Empathy

What does empathy mean to you?

What does empathy mean to you? How can we teach and nurture empathy with both adults and children? How did one woman change our understanding of product design for the better with the help of empathy? In this episode, poet in residence Lottie Walker explores empathy. How can we tap into the experiences of others in order to build inclusive working environments? How can product design enable us to see with the eyes of another? Let's find out through experiments in the art of empathy.



#3 How to Hatch - Uncertainty

How do we live with Uncertainty?

How do we live with Uncertainty? How can we turn “What ifs” to “What is”? What do acceptance and control look like in a post pandemic world? In this episode, poet in residence Lottie Walker explores Uncertainty. How can we manage our responses to unprecedented events? What can Atonal music teach us about the beauty of the unexpected? Let’s listen to the sound of uncertainty.



#4 How To Hatch - Resilience

How can resilience prepare us for uncertainty?

How can resilience prepare us for uncertainty? How can team building lay the foundation for a resilient workplace? When do we persist in the face of adversity and when do we walk away? In this episode, poet in residence Lottie Walker investigates resilience. What’s the difference between resilient teams and resilient people? What can Greek myths teach us about endurance and the human experience?



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