June 26, 2024

The Forge

Emma Pellegrino

Learning Programs

The Forge is all about nurturing holistic personal and professional growth.

Regenerative Thinking

Regenerative thinking, as explored in the book “Regenerative Leadership” by Gil Hutchens and Laura Storm, offers a refreshing approach to how we can thrive in both our personal and professional lives. It's all about adopting a mindset that's like nature itself—focused on renewal, growth, and interconnectedness.

Instead of just aiming for short-term wins, regenerative thinking encourages us to look at the big picture, prioritizing the well-being of everyone involved, including future generations. It's about creating environments where everyone can flourish, where collaboration, inclusivity, and empowerment are the norm.

Finding balance again

Human over nature
We tend to prioritize human needs over nature. Of course, we are a part of nature. The more we recognize that we're all connected and that our well-being depends on the health of the planet, the more we enhance life.

Outer over Inner
This is all about focusing on our inner selves rather than getting caught up in external stuff like money, technological innovation or status. It's about finding fulfilment from within, through things like self-awareness and personal growth.

Masculine over feminine
Contrary to traditional notions of leadership, the masculine over feminine domain explores the balance between traditionally masculine traits like assertiveness and action, and feminine qualities such as empathy and collaboration. It advocates for embracing and integrating both aspects to create a more balanced and inclusive approach to life.

Left over right brain hemisphere
Now, logical thinking, problem solving analysis and goal orientated action are dominant in our culture. On the flip side, the right hemisphere handles creativity, intuition, and looking at the big picture. It's great at tasks like recognizing shapes, understanding emotions, and seeing patterns. Even though both sides of the brain work together for most things, knowing what each side does best can boost how well we think and help us tackle problems and make decisions in a more well-rounded way

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