As a leader, you have to be ahead of the game, you have to lead your teams into the future. Your key to success lies in being comfortable in the unknown and that requires unlearning. Learning how to let go of old values, old ways of working; unlearning the habits and beliefs that hold you and your team back, and replacing them with habits and beliefs will help achieve success.
Understanding Unlearning: Participants gain a clear understanding of the concept of unlearning and its importance in leadership development.
Developing Learning Agility: Leaders develop an awareness of their learning agility, enabling them to adapt to new situations and information effectively.
Cultivating Self-Reflection and Growth: The program fosters self-reflection, allowing leaders to assess their skills, identify habits that need changing, and implement those changes incrementally.
Become an Adaptive Leader: Leaders learn how to adjust their behavior, constantly learn, and stay open to new ideas and ways of doing things.
Let Go of the Old: The program gives leaders the tools to identify and overcome outdated knowledge, habits, and beliefs that get in the way of growth and new ideas.
Develop a Growth Mindset: Leaders learn to embrace challenges, see mistakes as learning opportunities, and approach their work with a willingness to experiment and improve.